continues to lead projects that recognize and celebrate the First State’s very long and rich beer brewing heritage. Below is a list of the most significant projects – past and present.
KING GAMBRINUS STATUE RESTORATION – RESTORE THE KING supports the effort to save and restore Delaware’s historic King Gambrinus statue, which hung above Wilmington’s Diamond State Brewery from 1882 until 1962. The broken 11-foot-tall zinc sculpture is the most significant remaining artifact from Delaware’s golden age of brewing in the 19th and early 20th century. It’s restoration symbolizes the revival of brewing as a important economic, cultural, and social driver.
Once renovated, the statue will be donated to the Delaware History Museum for public presentation and long-term conservation.
To learn more about and support the Restore the King project, please visit the project website.
Krauch brought lager yeast and lager beer to Wilmington in 1850, which earned him the title of Delaware’s “Father of Lager Beer”. One of the most significant figures in state’s brewing history, Krauch died nearly penniless and was buried in an unmarked grave. partnered with Wilmington Brew Works, the Delaware Saengerbund & Library and the Grand Lodge of Delaware to correct this historic injustice by placing a monument on Krauch’s gravesite. A successful public crowdfunding campaign was completed during the summer of 2021.
On October 23, 2021, a memorial marker honoring Krauch and his wife Mary Anna was dedicated at the Wilmington & Brandywine Cemetery in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Christian’s death.

This online map resource on the Google Maps platform provides geolocation and profile information for every known brewing company in Delaware history – past, present, and upcoming – from the Swedish settlement to today’s craft breweries.